Pirates tides of fortune kabam
Pirates tides of fortune kabam

pirates tides of fortune kabam

The response was it was a known bug and nothing was ever done to fix it or honor the previous discount at a later time….pathetic customer service and loyalty. It’s also apparent that money was stolen from several players when we had the pick a random chest for an extreme discount on rubies, people paid and never received their discount. I really hate it for the people who actually put real money into the game. Nor does it ever address the current problems and bugs with the game. If we ever do get a response it’s days behind and never really answers the question asked. Plarium\_Support has been no help at all here on the forums. No updates, we’re 5 versions behind at this point. No global lighthouse mission in 2 months now, now pvp global for what 3 weeks…almost a month.

pirates tides of fortune kabam

If it wasn’t already obvious to all of the dedicated players left here that the DEV’s are done with us. Once again here at Kong we’re left behind.

Pirates tides of fortune kabam